Осенний информационный бюллетень 2023 г.
Привет, семьи CWA!
Счастливой осени! Мы надеемся, что вам удалось выбраться на улицу в такую теплую и солнечную погоду, которую нам так повезло иметь в это время года на прекрасном Северо-Западе. В этом месяце благодарности мы очень благодарны вам за поддержку и за то, что вы выбрали нашу школу для обучения своего ребенка. Мы надеемся, что этот учебный год был для вас таким же позитивным, как и для нас; нам очень нравится каждый день приветствовать ваших учеников в школе онлайн или на месте. В этом информационном бюллетене мы расскажем о некоторых из многочисленных мероприятий и возможностей обучения, которые состоялись в этом квартале, а также сообщим вам важные даты и предстоящие события. Пришло время также пригласить вас присоединиться к нам на родительских собраниях с учителями 20 и 21 ноября. Мы включили график ниже, чтобы вы могли просмотреть и спланировать его соответствующим образом. Мы надеемся увидеть Вас там!
Brad Linn, Principal
Zoe Booth, Assistant Principal

CWA Graduation Rates continue to rise!
Our Class of 2024 graduation rate was 87.9%, our highest ever!
We are so very proud of our students and all their hard work. Thank you to all our families for your continued partnership and support, we couldn’t do it without you! So many individuals support our students through their educational journey: parents, advocates, teachers, advisors, coaches, administrators, counselors. It truly takes a team, well done!

CWA’s Presentations of Learning
CWA students participated in our first semester Presentations of Learning in January. Students were eager to share their learning with their families, peers, and teachers and were so proud of their work. It was fun to visit students’ exhibits and hear them share their knowledge with such confidence and expertise. Thank you to all who came to support our students, we had over 500 students, family, and community members in attendance.

CWA Presentation of Learning: Elementary 250124
Elementary Grades K-5 Presentation of Learning

CWA Presentation of Learning: Middle School 250122
Middle School Presentation of Learning

CWA Presentation of Learning Grades 9-10 250127
9th and 10th Grade Presentation of Learning

CWA Presentation of Learning YTA & Student Internship 250121
Youth Take Action and Senior Internship Presentation of Learning

K-5 Students Love Hands-On Learning

Supply Drive
We want to extend our deepest gratitude to our students and families that donated canned food, toiletries, and warm clothes to our winter supply drive. And an extra big THANK YOU to those students that brought in the most supplies at each grade level:
Elementary - Viktoriya Fuentes
Middle School - Giada Ferensak and Baz Froud
High School - Vika Galimska
Our leadership students delivered the donated supplies to the Wichita Center which directly impacts our very own North Clackamas families. Great job everyone!

Post-it Love Youth Take Action Event
CWA’s Youth Take Action students partnered with Post it Love, a non-profit organization that offers innovative programs designed to boost elementary students' emotional well-being and academic success. Our students hand wrote and decorated hundreds of cards with personalized messages that provide crucial emotional support, fostering resilience and self-esteem in our local elementary school students.

Мероприятие YTA по уборке реки или обочины

Мероприятие по уборке ручья/обочины предоставило студентам прекрасную возможность помочь своему сообществу, одновременно предоставив студентам ценные часы YTA. Студенты и сотрудники заполнили несколько мешков мусора на 84-й авеню прямо здесь, в Клакамасе. Огромное спасибо всем, кто принял участие! Если вам нужны дополнительные возможности для волонтерской деятельно сти, обратитесь к своему учителю YTA.

CWA Advisors Care

At CWA, EVERY family has an advisor that is committed to ensuring that you have what you need to be successful at school. They are your personal advocate. They are your cheerleader- offering encouragement and motivation. Advisors connect families to all things CWA, and are your source of consistent communication so you have the information you need. Data has shown that students that meet regularly with their advisor perform better in school, have higher grades, and are more likely to graduate on time. We are so grateful for our advisors and the amazing work they do!

Nintendo Tournament
CWA’s Leadership students hosted a Nintendo Tournament featuring Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. The event was a huge success and so much fun for all who participated. Congratulations to the winners!

Aria Rix - Swearing in Craig Roberts
CWA’s very own second grade student, Aria Rix, was chosen to swear in the new Clackamas County Commision Chair, Craig Roberts. This is quite an honor and she did an excellent job, representing our school and our district proudly! Well done Aria!

Swearing-in Ceremony: Chair Craig Roberts
Clackamas Charter Alliance
We are proud members of the Clackamas Charter Alliance. Click here for details.