Acerca de mí
Mi nombre es Bruce Borgelt. Llevo dando clases un total de 24 años. Ahora estoy en mi decimotercer año enseñando matemáticas en Clackamas Web Academy. Me siento muy afortunado de trabajar con personal y estudiantes tan excelentes en este programa único.
Tengo una hija de 12 años llamada Siena y un hijo de 9 años llamado Logan. Vivimos en West Linn, donde he residido durante los últimos 20 años. Nos encanta pasear, practicar deportes y explorar el aire libre.
También soy entrenador de atletismo en Tualatin High School. He estado entrenando en algún aspecto durante los últimos 20 años. Soy un gran aficionado a los deportes y me encanta practicar todo tipo de deportes en mi tiempo libre.
Estoy muy emocionado por el próximo año escolar. Espero que todos tengamos una experiencia educativa muy productiva este año.

Statement of Purpose
Social Justice and Equity (Inclusive):
My commitment to social justice and equity aligns closely with Portland State University's value of being inclusive, welcoming, and equity-focused. Throughout my 26-year career in the North Clackamas School District, I have championed initiatives that ensure every student has access to an inclusive and supportive learning environment. As Principal of Clackamas Web Academy (CWA), I conducted an equity audit to redesign our curriculum, ensuring it reflected diverse perspectives and addressed systemic inequities. This work, supported by my Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction and my ongoing pursuit of an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership, led to significant improvements in student engagement and achievement, particularly for historically marginalized groups. Our efforts culminated in a 60% increase in CWA’s "Four Year Cohort Graduation Rate," demonstrating our commitment to inclusivity and equity.
Collaboration and Community (Engaged):
Portland State University values being engaged, connected, and collaborative, which mirrors my approach to leadership at CWA. I believe in the power of collective leadership and have actively involved the entire school community in collaborative redesign efforts. As Principal, I established a parent-teacher advisory model, creating a platform for regular meaningful dialogue and joint decision-making. Additionally, I built strong partnerships with local businesses and colleges, launching mentorship programs that connect students with community leaders and provide real-world learning opportunities. These initiatives have not only enhanced our academic offerings but also strengthened our community ties, embodying PSU’s commitment to being an engaged and collaborative partner.
Innovation and Creativity (Creative):
Innovation and creativity are central to both my leadership style and Portland State University's values. At CWA, I led the development of a blended learning model that integrates online and on-site instruction, offering personalized learning experiences tailored to diverse student needs. This innovative approach, which I initially spearheaded as Assistant Principal and refined as Principal, has positioned CWA as a leader in educational innovation, earning us full accreditation from Cognia and recognition as a Top 10 National Online Charter School by Vastlearners in 2023. My work reflects PSU’s emphasis on creativity, as we continually seek new ways to create knowledge and improve educational outcomes.
Professionalism and Integrity (Responsive):
Portland State University's value of being responsive, mindfully serving students and communities, resonates deeply with my professional journey. I have always prioritized integrity and ethical leadership, ensuring that decisions are made transparently and with the best interests of students and staff in mind. For example, during the development of CWA’s Five Year Strategic Plan, I facilitated open discussions about resource allocation and staff evaluations, fostering an environment of trust and accountability. This responsiveness to the needs of our school community has been a cornerstone of my leadership, aligning with PSU’s commitment to being a mindful and responsive institution.
Excellence and Accountability (Impactful):
Excellence and accountability are at the heart of both my leadership philosophy and Portland State University's values. I have consistently employed data-driven approaches to monitor and enhance student performance at CWA, resulting in a remarkable 61% increase in our "Four Year Cohort Graduation Rate" over 12 years. By developing a comprehensive progress monitoring system and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, I have ensured that our school remains focused on achieving high standards. This dedication to being impactful, process-oriented, and accountable aligns perfectly with PSU’s commitment to making a meaningful difference through rigorous, data-driven practices.
Heading 6
Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. Portland State University. Winter 2013, In Progress.
L2000 Initial Administrators License Program. Portland State University. Summer Cohort 2006-2007.
M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction. Portland State University. Graduation in Winter 2004.
B.A. in History. Linfield College. Graduation in May,1998.
Curriculum Vita
North Clackamas School District (Clackamas Web Academy) – Administrator
(June 2007-Present) Clackamas, OR.
North Clackamas School District – Professional Development Specialist
(June 2005 – 2007) Milwaukie, OR.
North Clackamas School District - High School Social Studies Teacher
(June 1998 - 2007) Milwaukie, OR.