Hello CWA Families!
Happy Fall! We hope that this school year has been as positive for you so far as it has for us; we truly love welcoming your students to school each day either online or on-site. In this month of gratitude, we are very grateful for your support and that you have chosen our school for your child’s education. In this newsletter we will highlight some of the many activities and learning opportunities that have taken place this quarter and provide you with important dates and upcoming events. It is also time that we ask that you join us for Parent/Teacher Conferences on November 25th and 26th. We have included the schedule below for you to review and plan accordingly. We hope to see you there!
Brad Linn, Principal
Zoe Booth, Assistant Principal
Back to School Orientations
Our K - 12 back to school orientations in September were highly engaging, meaningful, and an excellent way to help students get set up for a successful school year. Thank you to all of you that attended and participated in the sessions, please remember we are all here to work with you and support you in your education this year!

Picture Retake Day
Monday November 18th
Classroom 1

Elementary Field Trip to the Park
CWA’s elementary students spent a fun-filled day at North Clackamas Park. Despite the gray morning, it stayed dry and was such a fun day spent reconnecting with old friends and making new ones too! 😊

Enrichment Classes
Our High School students are actively participating in on-site enrichment classes enjoying the collaborative and engaging learning opportunities they provide. Students in Astronomy are learning about the immense size, complexity and beauty of the ever-evolving universe. Topics in Forensic Science, the application of science for solving crimes, include toxicology, DNA fingerprinting, ballistics, blood type, and trace evidence. Students in Doorways to Expression are examining self-expression through drawing, painting, photography, and sculpture, students in Ancient Empires are taking a journey back in time to examine the culture, art, and architecture of different ancient empires, our Yearbook students are busy interviewing students and staff, and our Leadership students are planning fun school activities for all grade levels to participate in.

CWA High School Students Attend College!
And, we don’t mean after high school. Over 30% of current CWA high school students are enrolled in
one or more college classes this fall at Clackamas, Portland and Mt. Hood Community Colleges along
with Oregon Tech, a four year university. From Accounting, Art and Automotive to Writing and
Welding, our high school students are learning skills and achieving great things at the college level as
part of their CWA high school experience.
Registration for Winter term at the colleges opens in November. Students who would like to take a
college class should begin the application and registration process now. See your Advisor, Counselor, or
Susan Roberts for more information or check out CWA+College or the Early College Options (ECO)
program on the CWA “Apply Now” portion of our website.

Pumpkin Patch
Our Elementary and Middle School students had a chance to connect and enjoy time together at Liepold Farms on a stunningly beautiful sunny day in October. Pumpkins, corn maze, goats, apple cider, donuts, and hayrides were enjoyed by all! ☀️

Middle School Community Meetings
Our Middle School students continue to enjoy building community in their grade level Community Meetings each week while receiving academic support and playing collaborative games. Our 8th Grade students meet weekly on Tuesdays at 11:00 and our 6th and 7th Grade students meet weekly on Wednesdays at 11:00, we hope you can join us!

Quarter 1 Students of the Month

Congratulations to our Quarter 1 Elementary Students of the Month! Students were chosen for being excellent friends; displaying kindness, empathy, and loyalty. We appreciate all you do to make our school such a welcoming and friendly place!

School Improvement Plan Goals:

90% of all CWA students will participate in bimonthly advising sessions as defined by our school.
And, 90% of all CWA guardians/advocates will participate in monthly advising sessions as defined by our school

CWA Loves Learning

New Teachers
CWA is excited to introduce our two new Elementary Teachers. Emily Inslee is our new 2nd/3rd grade teacher; her experience along with her gentle, warm, inviting manner makes her classroom a welcoming place where all students can learn. Taylor Drew is our new K - 5th grade math teacher; her math expertise, engaging lessons, and knowledge of students are helping all of our students to become confident mathematicians.