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ハッピー秋! 美しい北西部でこの時期に恵まれたことはとても幸運なことですが、この暖かい気候と太陽の光の中で、皆さんが外に出られたことを願っています。 今月は感謝の気持ちを込めて、皆様のご支援とお子様の教育のために当校をお選びいただいたことに深く感謝いたします。 この学年が私たちにとってこれまでと同様に、皆さんにとっても前向きなものであることを願っています。 私たちは、オンラインでもオンサイトでも、生徒を毎日学校に迎えることができて本当に嬉しいです。 このニュースレターでは、今四半期に行われた多くの活動や学習の機会のいくつかに焦点を当て、重要な日程や今後のイベントをお知らせします。 また、11 月 20 日と 21 日に開催される保護者/教師会議への参加もお願いいたします。 以下にスケジュールを記載しましたので、確認して計画を立ててください。 お待ちしております!

Brad Linn, Principal

Zoe Booth, Assistant Principal


Our beloved Trisha Papenfuss, who has been at CWA since the very beginning in 2004, will be enjoying retirement in her new home in Boring, Oregon next year. She plans to spend her extra time with her family (including 11 grandchildren)  doing the things she loves with the people she loves. Trisha’s genuine appreciation and enthusiasm for teaching is contagious and we are all better for having worked alongside her. Trisha will be missed beyond measure and we wish her all the best!

Esther Verbruggen, who has been an administrative assistant at CWA since 2019 is also on to a new adventure next year  in Alaska. She plans to try some new hobbies such as winter camping, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. While we will miss her very much next, we wish her all the best and know she is going to have so much fun!! 


Best wishes to both of you from your CWA family ❤️

Graduation Hat Throw

High School Graduation

Congratulations to our largest ever  graduating  class of 102 students!! We are so proud of all you accomplished and the wonderful young people you have become. CWA’s  Class of 2024 donated 4080  hours to community service projects in our area and collectively earned 2216  college credits, you guys are amazing! We want to thank you for all your hard work during your time at CWA and we wish you all the best in your future! Take care!

Colorful Lights

Senior Luncheon

It was fun once again to celebrate the accomplishments of our seniors at our Annual Senior Luncheon. Students were provided a delicious lunch in a festive atmosphere where they were able to enjoy each other’s company and celebrate their High School journey together. Our seniors were very supportive  of each other as they received honor cords for department awards, Oregon State Assessments, college credit, Youth Take Actions, Outdoor School, and more. 


Outdoor School

Our 6th grade students enjoyed a fun-filled week at Outdoor School this year at Camp Magruder in Rockaway Beach, OR.  While  there, they enjoyed beautiful weather, engaged in science activities in the wondrous ecosystems unique to our awesome Oregon Coast,  wrote and performed skits, learned and sang new songs, and most of all gained  confidence and independence and a strong sense of community with their peers.

Abstract Linear Background

Roller Skating

Our Elementary students earned a Friday Fun  at Oaks Park because of all their hard work reaching benchmarks in Math, Reading, and Writing this Spring. We are so proud of all their hard hard work and enjoyed spending the day with them at one of the most historic roller rinks in the United States. 

Twinkly Lights

High School Prom

Our HIgh School students enjoyed the return of our annual Prom at the Historic Carver Event Center in May. Students had fun line dancing, playing games and making smores by the fire pit. Thank you Ms. Seibel and the Leadership Team for hosting this fantastic event, and thank you Ms. Lentz for the dance lessons so everyone could participate,  so much fun was had by all who attended!


私たちは学年レベルのオリエンテーションに素晴らしい参加をし、力強い今年度のスタートを切りました。 CWA のオリエンテーションで、生徒たちは素晴らしいスタートを切り、教師に会い、新しい友達を作るために必要な情報を得ることができました。 ご参加いただきました皆様、誠にありがとうございました。

Blue Skies and Yellow Fields

小川/道路沿いのクリーンアップ YTA イベント

小川/道路沿いの清掃イベントは、生徒たちに貴重な YTA 時間を提供しながら、コミュニティを支援する素晴らしい機会を学生たちに提供しました。 学生とスタッフは、ここクラカマスの 84 番街沿いに複数のゴミ袋を詰めました。参加してくれた皆さんに心から感謝します。 さらにボランティアの機会をお探しの場合は、YTA の先生にご連絡ください。



私たちの中学生は、毎週、協力してゲームをしたり、学業のサポートを受けたり、芸術や工芸のプロジェクトに取り組みながら、学年レベルのコミュニティミーティングでコミュニティの構築を楽しんでいます。 8 年生の生徒は毎週木曜日の 11:00 に集まり、6 年生と 7 年生の生徒は毎週月曜日の 11:00 に集まります。ぜひご参加ください。


私たちの中学生は、毎週、協力してゲームをしたり、学業のサポートを受けたり、芸術や工芸のプロジェクトに取り組みながら、学年レベルのコミュニティミーティングでコミュニティの構築を楽しんでいます。 8 年生の生徒は毎週木曜日の 11:00 に集まり、6 年生と 7 年生の生徒は毎週月曜日の 11:00 に集まります。ぜひご参加ください。

K-5 Celebration of Learning

CWA’s Elementary students participated in our first Celebration of Learning event this spring. Students were eager to share their learning with their peers, families and teachers and were so proud of their work. It was fun to visit students’ exhibits  and hear them share their knowledge with such confidence and expertise. Thank you to all who came to support our students, we are very proud of them!

Farm View

K-1 Visits the Land Lab

North Clackamas’ Land Lab invited our K-1 students for a fun farm animal field trip this spring. Students  were able  to see pigs, goats, chickens, cows, and more. Watching the High School FFA students lead our students in groups and share their knowledge was very special, thank you to all who came to the farm! 

Golf Course

小川/道路沿いのクリーンアップ YTA イベント

小川/道路沿いの清掃イベントは、生徒たちに貴重な YTA 時間を提供しながら、コミュニティを支援する素晴らしい機会を学生たちに提供しました。 学生とスタッフは、ここクラカマスの 84 番街沿いに複数のゴミ袋を詰めました。参加してくれた皆さんに心から感謝します。 さらにボランティアの機会をお探しの場合は、YTA の先生にご連絡ください。


OSAS Celebrations

Our students worked very hard this spring and tried their very best while taking the Oregon State Assessments in Math, Science, and Language Arts. We know this can be stressful and takes extra time and we want you to know how much we appreciate each of you and the effort you put forth, thank you!! A couple  highlights from the results  we want to share are 1.)  Our 3rd grade students outperformed the district and state in both Math and Language Arts, they did an absolutely amazing job! And 2.) Our entire Middle School, grades 6, 7, and 8 outperformed both the district and state in Language Arts and Science, awesome job!!

小川/道路沿いのクリーンアップ YTA イベント

小川/道路沿いの清掃イベントは、生徒たちに貴重な YTA 時間を提供しながら、コミュニティを支援する素晴らしい機会を学生たちに提供しました。 学生とスタッフは、ここクラカマスの 84 番街沿いに複数のゴミ袋を詰めました。参加してくれた皆さんに心から感謝します。 さらにボランティアの機会をお探しの場合は、YTA の先生にご連絡ください。

Newton's Pendulum

Science at CWA

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